Welcome to the Make-a-Thon!
The Associated Students of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Southern California recognized the need to provide students interested in the biomedical field with real-life, application-based challenges. For this reason, ASBME began hosting the Make-a-Thon for the first time in February 2016.
This event provides students with a hands-on opportunity to solve a real-world problem in a collaborative environment. Competitors are presented with a research-based challenge and constraints on time and resources to solve the problem. By working in teams, students engage in interdisciplinary, cross-functional teamwork to solve a time-sensitive issue. During the competition, corporate representatives and graduate students act as mentors, providing feedback to students, and offering advice. Students from other universities are invited to compete in collaboration with Viterbi’s innovative environment and to foster interdisciplinary bonds.

Condensed Approach
The Make-a-Thon forces participants to undergo months' worth of design process in the course of a few days. This condensed approach enables the Makers to push themselves to the limit and see how far they can go.

Excellence and Professionalism
All teams have the opportunity to enter the production stage and demonstrate their ability to bring a design from concept to realization. This competition offers a unique opportunity for students to demonstrate their skills to industry and academic representatives.

Become part of an Annual Tradition
Be a member of this class of Makers. This event will grow to become an annual cornerstone of Viterbi excellence and will be a legacy of the Associated Students of Biomedical Engineering.